Prepare to pass the C-EFM Exam!


    The 2023 Electronic Fetal Monitoring (C-EFM) Review Course provides a comprehensive and up-to-date review of electronic fetal monitoring based on the most recent C-EFM Exam content outline. Participants receive information that will not only promote certification exam success but will also enhance clinical practice.


    Nurse Builders is accredited as a provider of nursing continuing professional development by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Nurse Builders is a CA CE Provider #15118. Nurse Builders is a CE Provider # 50-9679 for: AR, DC, FL, GA, KY, ND, NM, SC, WV.


    Kate Colvin, MSN, RNC-OB, C-EFM, LCCE is an expert clinician and educator in obstetric nursing dedicated to preparing nurses to sit for obstetric nursing subspecialty certification exams including: RNC-OB and C-EFM. She has fifteen years of experience in OB nursing working as a clinician and educator Kate is an expert in the C-EFM certification exam and review process.

Course curriculum

    1. C-EFM Review E-Course - Learning Outcome, Completion Criteria, Expiration Date, Disclosures, and Accreditation

    2. Course Content Outline

    3. Speaker Bio and Course Objectives

    4. References

    1. Handout - Session 1

    2. Course and Exam Overview

    3. Test Taking Techniques

    4. Practice Questions: Test Taking Techniques

    1. Handout - Session 2

    2. Session 2: Electronic Monitoring Equipment

    3. Practice Questions: Electronic Monitoring Equipment

    1. Handout - Session 3

    2. Session 3: Physiology

    3. Practice Questions: Physiology

    1. Handout - Session 4, Part 1

    2. Session 4, Part 1: EFM Terminology

    3. Practice Questions: EFM Terminology

    4. Handout- Session 4, Part 2

    5. Session 4, Part 2: Pattern Recognition and Intervention

    6. Practice Questions: Pattern Recognition and Intervention

    7. Handout- Session 4, Part 3

    8. Session 4, Part 3: Maternal Fetal Complications

    9. Practice Questions: Maternal Fetal Complications

    1. Handout - Session 5

    2. Session 5: Fetal Assessment Methods

    3. Practice Questions: Fetal Assessment Methods

About this course

  • Free
  • 30 lessons
  • 2.5 hours of video content